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Through diligent practice, we provide Calgary, AB with quality chiropractic services, helping the community get back to pain-free health. With a focus on quality service and the scientific approach, Associate Chiropractic Clinic offers wide-ranging therapy options at affordable rates. Research has shown that chiropractic, acupuncture, and massage therapy may be helpful for a wide variety of conditions:


Woman suffering from postural strain due to working at a desk for prolonged periods of time.
Do to the ever growing demand of desk and computer work while spending long hours hunched over... Poor posture, like slumping, slouching, rounded shoulders, or forward head position can cause or contribute to many problems like back, shoulder, and neck pain. Lots of people have growing feeling of being "compressed" and cant relieve that stress. If you are suffering from postural issues, Associate Chiropractic Clinic is here to help.
Our dedicated doctors are here to help you achieve optimal health and wellness by helping to treat the cause (not just the symptoms) associated with postural issues, relieve that compressed feeling, and get you moving better and feeling better!
What are Postural Issues?
Postural issues refer to an unnatural position of the spine in which the curve of the spine is emphasized resulting in the muscles, joints and vertebrae being in stressful positions. Temporarily this position is fine and we often place our body in unnatural positions during activities, however staying in these position for prolonger periods of time create physical and long lasting changes to our spine. Poor posture usually results from muscle imbalance, lack of strength in key postural muscles, reduced endurance in postural muscles or overactivity in significant other muscles. 

What are Common Symptoms of Postural Strain?

It is common for there to be painful conditions associated with poor posture. Here is a short list of common symptoms people get after prolonger poor posture:

  • Low back pain is the most common complaint.

  • Compressed sensation in the neck and upper back.

  • Body aches and pains in upper and lower back.

  • Fatigue at the end of the day

  • Headaches

  • Neck, shoulder and arm pain are also common.

  • Pinched nerves.

  • Sciatica like pain in the lower limbs including leg pain, knee or ankle pain can also occur.


How are Postural Strains Treated?
Treatment Options
Combining chiropractic, Physiotherapy and massage therapy we can help with postural issues and the associated symptoms.
A chiropractor may help with postural issues by helping to identify and treat the underlying cause. Because a chiropractor understands the role and effects of the spine and its impact on poor posture, they are uniquely qualified to help with postural issues and correction. A chiropractor’s standard techniques of adjusting spines can help improve posture, strengthen the back and increase mobility. Moving the joints of the spine help overall disc health and stave off disc degeneration as well as prevent pinched nerves. Specific chiropractic adjustments can even provide relief in decompression the spine and combating the hunched posture we get from desk work and looking at our phones all day for personal and work use.
Physiotherapy treatment may be quite effective, and may include stretching of tight muscles or tissues, exercises to strengthen the weak muscles, postural training exercises, home exercises for management and manual therapy to help reduce pain, increase flexibility or joint mobility, and improve overall posture and alignment.
Massage therapy can help to loosen and relax the muscles that are sore from poor posture, allowing the body to better position itself in a more natural and pain-free posture.
What can I do on my own?
While going to see your doctor at Associate Chiropractic is very helpful there's plenty of hours in the day to help yourself!

Strengthening the areas that become weak due to prolonged sitting should be the first thing. Strengthening the posterior chain, upper back, between the shoulder blades, and glutes are the key muscle groups to build strength and be able to maintain good posture for longer, thus relieving pain and tension.

Assessing your work place environment to see what can be improved and modified in or to promote proper posture, i.e. desk height, chair position, monitor height...

Even going as far as getting a sit stand desk to change positions through out the day. After all, our bodies were meant to move and not to sit all day everyday!
Diagram of correct posture and work place set up to ease postural strain

Visit Associate Chiropractic Clinic for Postural Pain Relief

Postural Strains, if left untreated, can have long-term consequences and lead to headaches, disc degeneration, sciatica like pain, and pinched nerves. We at Associate Chiropractic Clinic can provide the best possible care and customized treatment for your unique needs.

Whether your Postural Strain is work-related, a result of an auto injury, or some other reason, our experienced doctors can diagnose your condition to discuss your back pain treatment options. The right treatment can provide immediate pain relief, and help to prevent it from becoming chronic.



We’ve got your back

From massage to adjustments, we help you get back to your best.


Associate Chiropractic Clinic

221 – 1110 Centre Street North

Calgary, Alberta 

T2E 2R2

Phone: 403-230-9003

Fax: 403-277-8162



Monday - Friday

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM


8:00 AM - 2:00 PM


Dr. Murray McEwen – M/W/F 8:00 - 5:00

Dr. Matt McManus – Monday - Saturday

Dr. Christine Martinovich - Wed 9:00 - 1:00

                                                           -  Th/F 12:30 - 5:00

                                                           -   Sat 11:00 - 2:00


  • Calgary

  • Airdrie

  • Okotoks

  • Surrounding Areas



This website is provided for information and education purposes only. No doctor/patient relationship is established by your use of this site. No diagnosis or treatment is being provided. The information contained here should be used in consultation with a medically licensed and trained professional of your choice. No guarantees or warranties are made regarding any of the information contained within this website. This website is not intended to offer specific medical or health advice to anyone. We do not make any medical claims as you should consult a healthcare professional prior to starting any treatment program. All information is only presented for educational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the advice of a doctor or medical professional.

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